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Carly and Jack (now played by Chris L. McKenna) are flying back to Port Charles on a private jet. She thanks him for offering her a ride back, and he says he’s glad to repay the favor as she saved his life from Valentin. They make small talk and are interrupted when his assistant calls, asking when he gets back to Port Charles. He’s expecting to land momentarily. She says there is something he needs to see.

In the woods, Jack meets with his associate, and she shows him where Cyrus Renault’s hideout is. It’s a small cabin. Cyrus comes there every few days with a bag, but she hasn’t been inside to see what’s in there. She was waiting for him. Jack tells her to keep tailing Cyrus, and they can return here anytime. She thinks they should gather proof, but he says their job is not to do the PCPD’s job for them. This project is about seeing if Joss can trail Cyrus here, and what action she takes.

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Anna calls Joss to her office, and she hopes Anna has found proof that Cyrus killed Dex. Anna says this is about Dex, but not Cyrus. She tells her about the two murders, Dex’s and Sam, and only Joss was listed as a family member in his paperwork. That is why she is telling her this, just as she told Sam’s family. Joss asks if she told the hospital that the killer may be Cyrus. Anna says she did not, as she has no proof against him. Joss worries he could kill again, but Anna explains he no longer has access to patients at General Hospital. Joss asks what about the patients at Turning Woods? Anna asks what she knows about his access at Turning Woods?

Joss explains she’s volunteering there, and she could find out what patients may have died that he had interactions with. Anna says that would be interfering in an ongoing investigation, and she’s not to go back there. Joss yells she doesn’t work for her, so she can do whatever it takes to get justice for Dex. Anna says the more she gets involved, the more likely Cyrus will get away with it. Anna reiterates they have no proof against Cyrus, and now he knows he’s being watched. Anna begs her not to get involved and to let the PCPD take it from here. Joss snaps, “Got it!” and storms out.

Joss learns about Dex GH

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At the Quartermaine gatehouse, Drew buttons his shirt and jokes his Navy Seal training came in handy in jumping the fence to get in, but nothing would keep him from seeing Willow. He feels they shouldn’t have to jump through these hoops to spend time together. Willow agrees, and says Brook Lynn and Chase have been nice to her, but others are biting their tongues around her and dropping in unannounced. He thinks they are trying to catch her in the act. She doesn’t want to step on toes and make things worse. She wants to make things work, this is the kids’ home, they adore Monica, and this is something she can do for Michael. Willow says oddly the toughest person to deal with is Sasha, and it feels like she’s constantly judging her. It’s hard to believe they were friends.

Drew unbuttoned shirt GH

Drew says he probably should go, and they share a kiss before he sneaks out the back. However, he leaves his tie behind in between the couch cushions.

Willow smiles GH

Carly shows up later with gifts for the kids. Willow had no idea she was back. Carly says Jason is in Germany with Michael, and she came back to check on things. Carly says Michael wants the kids to know he loves them, and he wanted her to tell Willow thank you. Willow invites her to stay for tea and goes to make some.  Carly sits down and finds Drew’s tie and can’t believe it.

Carly brings a message GH

When Willow returns, she finds Carly is gone. She calls the clinic in Germany and asks them to relay a message to Michael. She says his kids love him, miss him, and can’t wait for him to come home.

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Cody drops by Selina’s office to make a payment on the money he still owes her. Before he leaves, she offers him a proposition. She says she has met someone who wants a high-stakes poker game, and she wants him to play in the game with house money. She also says she’ll cancel his debt. Cody says he needs to think about the offer. She tells him not to take too long. Cody takes off.

Selina makes Cody an Ofeer GH

Later, Drew arrives at Selina’s office for an official meeting. She asks what this is about. Drew explains he knows she was previously associated with Curtis, and he’d like to know more about her relationship with him and how it involved The Savoy. Selina says she could provide him with information for something in return.

Suddenly, Cody bursts in, tells Selina he can’t take her offer, and is officially out of the gambling business. He’s surprised to see Drew talking business with Selina, and says this confirms exactly who he thought he was. Selina tells him to leave, and Cody wonders if Drew lost a bet to Ms. Wu. Drew says he’s meeting with Ms. Wu because she is a constituent, but Cody doubts that. He tells Drew he’s just like his brother, who knocked up Sasha. Selina again screams at Cody to leave. Selina’s bodyguard shows up and drags Cody out.

Cody is surprised GH

At Liz’s place, Lucky tells her that he stopped Jason from killing Sidwell, and he’s not sure if he regrets it now. He knew letting Jason kill Sidwell would have been for revenge, a burden he didn’t want to carry. Liz asks what it would have been revenge for. Lucky tells her that he had to play poker with Sidwell to stay alive. He knows it’s crazy, but he felt like his dad was guiding him through the games. Liz doesn’t think it’s crazy. Lucky admits she helped him too.

Liz and Lucky talk Jenz GH

Liz wonders how she helped him? He says he tried to escape once and was badly beaten. He was lying on the floor thinking it was over for him, but then he had a vision of her. He explains she told him not to quit, to get up and fight. Liz asks if she said anything else. He says maybe and laughs that he assumes she wasn’t back here dreaming of him. She thinks he knows her so well that he knew what she’d say to him. He says anytime he needs reminding there is good in the world, he thinks of her, and she’s gotten through him a lot. She tells him she’s just a regular person and has flaws like anyone else. She can’t be anyone’s angel. Lucky doesn’t need her to be an angel but just to be herself. He pulls up an old song on his phone he recalls them dancing to at Luke’s years ago, and they dance and gaze into one another’s eyes.

Lucky has regrets GH

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At the Metro Court, Tracy asks Brook Lynn where everyone is as they are supposed to be meeting for Deception business. Lucy shows up and suggests they get this party started.

Deception meeting GH

At the bar, Isaiah approaches Jordan and Jenz and asks Jenz if he’s back to kill him. Jenz apologizes to Jordan and says he and Isaiah had a misunderstanding in Africa. Isaiah says there was no misunderstanding, he had his men try to kill him twice, and held Lucky prisoner for weeks. Lucy intervenes and suggests their deputy mayor and newest hero surgeon try and get along with their new entrepreneur resident. Isaiah tells Lucy whatever money Sidwell brings into Port Charles is blood money. Jordan tells Isaiah that whatever issues he has with Jenz, he should take them elsewhere, and she and Jenz were having drinks.

Jenz talks to Jordan GH

Isaiah storms off, and Lucy gets back to her meeting. Jordan asks Jenz what Isaiah’s issue with him is? Jenz claims he hired Isaiah to be his personal physician but Isaiah didn’t like his conditions and departed. Jenz asks to make up for this by buying her dinner this week. She suggests he call her office and make an appointment. Jenz looks forward to it and departs. Jordan then texts Isaiah and asks where he is.

Back at the Deception table, Lulu shows up and Brook Lynn didn’t know she was attending. Tracy says she is Brook Lynn’s assistant, and scolds Lulu for not being on time. She is also annoyed that Lucy is being a social butterfly at the bar instead of focusing on the company. Maxie soon joins them, and they talk about Natalia and Sonny going to LA to have their products featured in boutiques there. Tracy complains they are paying for a romantic getaway for them. Maxie says they can have this meeting without Tracy if she’s going to be negative.

BRook Lynn smiles GH

Sasha arrives, followed by Felicia, and they grab a table after some snarky interaction with Tracy. They talk about her pregnancy. Felicia asks if there is a way to get the father’s medical records. Sasha says if the information is ever needed, she’s confident that the father will help her.

Drew waltzes in and meets with Anna to discuss congressional business and the fight against organized crime. He’ll be happy to get her the funding needed to take any individuals involved in the mob off the street, starting with Sonny and Jason. Suddenly, Carly appears and yells at Congressman Quartermaine that he left his tie at Michael’s house while he was having sex with his wife! Everyone in the restaurant gasps in shock.

Tracy shocked GH

Carly throws the tie, which she bought him, in his face and calls him a sleazy son of a bitch. Drew says they shouldn’t talk about this in public. She screams Michael is fighting for his life, and he’s still sleeping with his wife in his house, on property he’s been banned from. Carly yells she wants everyone to know how pathetic he is, and that she hopes Jason beats the hell out of him again. She says he isn’t half the man Jason is. Drew says the jokes on her, as Jason knocked up Sasha Corbin, the family cook. More gasps, and Felicia looks at Sasha with shock.

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Jordan meets Isaiah at the Surf Lodge. Isaiah warns her that Sidwell is dangerous, reminding her that she saved him from his assassin once. She shouldn’t be messing with someone like Jenz. Jordan explains Sidwell is clearly interested in her, so she can use that to get evidence on him. Isaiah says she’s not a cop anymore, so go to the cops.

Jordan gets a warning GH

Jordan reiterates that Jenz is interested in her, so why not take advantage of that? Isaiah thinks she likes the rush of going undercover, and she likes it better than pushing papers. She feels she’s in the best position to take Jenz down, but will need his help. She needs him to stay away from her, they can’t let Sidwell see them together and that they have a connection. He’s glad to hear she thinks they have a connection. He offers his help, but insists he will go undercover with her.

Isiah is unhgappy GH

On the next General Hospital, Cyrus shows up at GH and Brad threatens to call the cops. Sasha confronts Drew for talking about her life.

Before you go, check out a gallery of suspects as to who might kill Cyrus Renault in the gallery below.

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