Democratic Party leaders keep subverting democracy to help an incompetent Joe Biden

“Threat to democracy” has become an overused trope, similar to one claiming another is a racist when they don’t agree with one’s opinion.

After the June 27 debate, it has become exceedingly clear that what the entire country has been witnessing for the past year is, in fact, not some “cheap fake” but true: President Joe Biden does not have the cognitive ability to run the country as its chief executive.

Why has this taken so long to be recognized widely, as we are experiencing since the debate? Look no further than the Democratic Party leadership, in conjunction with a very willing mainstream media. The Democratic National Committee did everything in its power to hide American voters from alternatives to the president throughout the nominating process. Democrats successfully, along with the mainstream media, boxed out Robert Kennedy Jr. and Dean Phillips from participating in any honest forms of debate during a rigged primary process. Nor would they allow other opinions on their policy and leadership from being heard by the American electorate.

In effect, they allowed only one “approved” candidate to be put forth. So much for allowing the core democratic principle of people voting for change when a leadership change was clearly needed, and known to be needed, over a year ago.

Now, that same cabal of DNC power brokers are discussing ways to get out of the mess they created in their effort to hold onto power by having a different candidate selected at the convention. This will once again keep the selection of who we-the-people from having any say in who we want to lead the country.

When viewed honestly, the DNC is clearly the greatest threat to democracy and the democratic process of elections. Their thirst to maintain power clearly exceeds the will of the people, it is time for a reset in the Democratic Party leadership.

Dan Walter, West Des Moines

News media hid Biden’s condition; what else are they lying about?

Painful as it was to watch, the presidential debate did reveal once and for all just how pathetically weak and corrupt Joe Biden really is. Even with a format of his choosing, faux journalists asking the questions, and team CNN pulling strings, Biden’s performance was nothing short of catastrophic.

Seeing in real time how bad Biden is must have come as a shock to people who only get their news from the legacy media. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, PBS, and so on have been lying to us ever since Biden announced his candidacy in February 2019. After finishing fourth in the Iowa caucuses with 15.8% and fifth in New Hampshire with 8.4%, “comeback” Joe won the South Carolina primary with 48% of the vote and suddenly every other candidate dropped out.

As their accomplices in broadcast, print and social media relentlessly bashed everything Trump, the Democratic National Committee shamelessly used COVID to justify hiding Biden and the “basement strategy” began. With a phalanx of sycophants surrounding this shell of a man, zero scrutiny, no tough questions and nothing but derogatory Trump news, how could he lose?

For the country’s sake I ask that 2020 Biden voters pause and contemplate just how the media colluded to withhold or misshape basic information Americans count on. Even if they decide to vote for Biden again, at least they’ll do so knowing the truth.

Jon Johnson, Grimes

Who is calling the shots at the White House?

If the Biden family and the Democratic Party insist on continuing to prop up President Joe Biden, the American people should at least be told who is telling Biden what to say and do.

Doug Gulling, Urbandale

Biden can serve by stepping down

President Joe Biden’s final act of public service in his distinguished service to our country is to step aside giving way for a new generation of presidential leadership.

The majority of Americans do not wish to elect either Biden or Donald Trump. This is a propitious opportunity for the Democratic Party to lead the way and pass the torch to a visionary and inspirational leader to unite our country and in fact unite the world.

Douglas Freeman, West Des Moines

Let this moment of panic pass; Biden is and will be fine

I am exactly six months older than Joe Biden, so as his “older sister” I want to give him some advice: Fire all those debate experts who decided you should be trapped at Camp David for a week for them to pound numbers, statistics and details into your brain.

I watched the real Joe Biden speaking after the debate in North Carolina. If you Google “Biden after-debate speech North Carolina,” you will be reassured that he is fine and ready to keep fighting for all the ideals and good things he will do in his second term. As he said, he is “not as good a debater” as he used to be, but he certainly is a good president, with great people on his staff, and he needs to go out to speak to the real people all over this great country.

We have known the real Donald Trump for years: a consummate liar, a cheat, a man who thinks of nothing but himself and his money, a man who never ceases to tell us how horrible the United States is, and now a convicted felon. We can’t let him back in the White House.

Don’t listen to the outcry of panic hitting the air waves right after the unfortunate debate. I’ve been around a long time. The panic will pass. Read, listen, and keep working to protect our democratic way of life. The other road is mean and dark and lined with land mines.

Pierrette Wolfe, Clinton

Media failed us by obscuring reality about Biden

A large portion of those who watched the Biden-Trump debate were most likely shocked and saddened at the worse-than-poor performance of President Joe Biden. It was a double shocker to hear some in the press and others say, “He just has a cold,” and many excuses they think we will buy. How stupid do these pundits think we are?

It reminds me of the fable “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” It is time that the press and everyone else tell the truth as it is.

Jacqueline Van Ahn, Panora

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: News media hid Biden’s condition; what else are they lying about?

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