The end of a college baseball game between Jackson State and Prairie View A&M turned into a full brawl after a walk-off win by one of the SWAC teams. 

The Saturday throwdown happened after Prairie View A&M senior Trenton Bush hit a walk-off double and started to celebrate his game-winning hit near second base. 

The scene quickly descended into chaos, and nine players were suspended by the SWAC for four games.

While the Prairie View celebration was happening, Jackson State left fielder Davione Hull made a beeline for the Prairie View A&M celebration.

He then appeared to shove an opposing player, prompting a scrum to break out and the situation to escalate from there. 

Pushing and shoving continued between the two sides, but because of the distance of the camera, it was difficult to discern what exactly happened while both teams were on the field. 

Eventually, as the teams were separated, Jackson State outfielder/pitcher Arjun Huerta picked up Bush’s bat and tossed it toward the crowd, according to the Clarion Ledger. 

The public address announcer at Tankersley Field could be heard telling fans not to run onto the field while the melee was going on. 

“All fans on the field will be banned. If you are a fan or a parent on the field, you will be banned. All players to the dugout,” he said.

Both schools were handed a $25,000 fine for the incident by the conference. 

The SWAC did not name the players that were suspended, though six players from Jackson State and three from Prairie View A&M will get bans, according to the Clarion Ledger. 

Despite the brouhaha, the two sides finished off the series, and Prairie View A&M won Sunday’s game, 9-5, to take the series.

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