Great news for noodle lovers: you no longer have to punish yourself for enjoying a plate of pasta.

Amidst the craze of carb-counting diets, pasta is widely seen as an indulgence that leads to rapid weight gain.

Because traditional pasta is mainly carbohydrates, people view the the food as empty calories, but carbs are actually the preferred energy source for the human body and can provide numerous nutritional benefits.

Thus, not all noodles need to be to be a naughty indulgence.

In fact, certain kinds of pasta are fiber-rich, making them a better choice for those looking to be or stay lean. High-fiber pasta promotes feelings of fullness by providing a slower release of energy.

SheFinds checked in with three healthcare professionals to determine the holy trinity of healthy noodles. Read on to learn more.

1. Red Lentil Pasta

Red lentil pasta is fiber-rich, a great source of iron, and meets nearly all the daily requirements for folate.

Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and creator of the Candida Diet tells SheFinds: “Red lentil pasta is high in dietary fiber. Fiber-rich foods help promote feelings of fullness and satiety, reducing the likelihood of overeating and snacking between meals.”

2. Kelp Noodles

Derived from nutrient-dense seaweed, kelp noodles are low carb, low cal, naturally gluten-free, and contain a healthy dose of calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Kelp noodles are also a great source of iodine, a mineral that supports healthy thyroid function, which helps regulate metabolism, and contributes to weight loss.

3. Konjac Root Pastas

Dr. Andrea Maxim, MNLP, MChT, ND, a licensed naturopathic doctor, master NLP practitioner, and weight loss expert, tells SheFinds that she considers konjac root pasta the healthiest, low-carb, high-fiber pasta on the market.

Made from the konjac plant, this pasta is naturally high in glucomannan. This soluble fiber absorbs water and expands in the gut, helping dieters and diners feel fuller for longer. Also known as shirataki noodles or miracle noodles, the viscous fiber found in konjac root pasta functions as a prebiotic, nourishing the gut flora that helps maintain healthy digestion and body weight.

Meanwhile, The Post has previously reported that preparation, rather than the specific type pf pasta, often dictates whether the food can be healthy.

Additionally, pasta is also a proven mood booster — and we all know that happiness can improve health.

A recent study found that a perfect plate of noodles makes people happy and actively stimulates positive memories and responses similar to hearing a favorite song.

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