In the election for representative from Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District, incumbent Derrick Van Orden is without doubt the better candidate.

Van Orden, a retired Navy SEAL campaigning on life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is completing his very successful first term in Congress.

I have heard it said that Van Orden has accomplished more for the 3rd District in his first term than his predecessor did in his entire career. Van Orden serves on the House Agriculture Committee and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Through his efforts, members from each of those committees have come to the 3rd District to hold official public hearings on vital issues.

Looking at his web page, some of his featured interests are: veterans issues, term limits, rebuilding the economy, leading With integrity, an education our children deserve, and, of course, agriculture and farming.

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As a retired Navy SEAL, Van Orden has travelled the world and has a concept of freedom few can match. He knows from experience that the United States is a shining light on a hill. He knows the need for a strong military and understands foreign affairs.

Van Orden was recently endorsed by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who stated Van Orden is “…committed to ensuring everyone can achieve the American Dream.”

Join me in voting for Derrick Van Orden for Representative from Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District when you vote this fall. His demonstrated excellence deserves a second term.

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