JACKSON, Tenn. — We are a week away from when the Hub City will be visited by Miss Teen Volunteer America Pageant contestants from every state. The reigning Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer said her final goodbyes to family and friends Friday.

Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer, Kristin Henning, enjoyed her send off before she hits the big stage next Saturday night.

“It feels absolutely amazing. My mom surprised me coming here and I am absolutely astonished with the venue, and also that so many people came. A lot of the teens that I actually watched get crowned,” said Henning.

Born and raised in Tennessee, Henning’s parents share that she has been participating in pageants for just two years and has enjoyed every moment of her hard work.

“My favorite thing to say is that I like to serve my state in two different ways by being a private in the Army National Guard and by being Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer,” said Henning.

Her dad says he has enjoyed seeing her growth from her first pageant and how she continues to navigate life.

“That’s a big growth for her, Kristin and I spend a lot of time together and I see a lot of growth in her, and a lot of maturity in her. When she told us she joined the National Guard that was like ‘Okay, yeah that’s kind of a neat thing.’ That’s also helping her grow, so she’s growing a lot,” said Mark Winston, proud parent.

For the Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer Pageant, Henning’s platform helped her serve her community. Her mom says she has enjoyed helping her along the way.

“We volunteer at different places you know making all of these appearances just volunteering across the state it makes it so fun. The preparation for this it didn’t start yesterday it didn’t start last week it actually started the night she got crowned,” said Marquetta Winston, proud parent.

Henning’s platform is Kristin Cares and she hopes to bring kindness and respect towards everyone. She says this topic is special for her.

“I created this platform to raise awareness for child abuse and domestic abuse survivors and to better our community by making sure that everyone has resources. If they need help they can reach out to any open community that isn’t going to judge or look down upon them,” said Henning.

Along with a platform, contestants are judged on their fitness wear, evening gown, interview and their talent.

“My talent is going to be a vocal performance, I’m not going to spoil anything but just know its going to be a very bright room,” said Henning.

Kristin Henning encourages everyone to attend the Miss Teen Volunteer America Pageant beginning on Thursday evening, March 6 at the Carl Perkins Civic Center.

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