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In this installment of Practical Magic, Lisa Stardust explains the 2024 presidential election predictions astrology going viral on social media, using the stars to project the outcome of the race. Always remember that magic is for believers, but this column can also simply serve as a guide to getting in touch with yourself — magically or not.

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We were recently informed that Kamala IS brat, and the memes haven’t stopped since. After President Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the Presidential race, many turned to the web to talk about Vice President Kamala Harris, who Biden endorsed as the Democratic nominee — and they’ve got jokes. But the online discourse about a potential Harris ticket also prompted something else: many started spreading 2024 presidential election predictions astrology.

I’m no stranger to political predictions. In fact, I predicted back in 2020 that Biden wouldn’t be the party’s nominee this time around. So, as many look to the astros to see what will come in November, here’s what I think:

Harris was born on October 20, 1964 at 9:28 PM in Oakland, California, so her big 3 are: sun in Libra, moon in Aries, and ascendant/rising in Gemini. She was born during an Aries full moon, making the full moon in Capricorn on July 21 (when it was announced she was a consideration for the presidency) important because it pushed her into a new chapter of life.

Jupiter is the critical component of a potential Harris victory. Known as the “greater benefic” in astrology, Jupiter denotes expansiveness and luck. Jupiter is in the sign of Gemini and will remain there from May 25, 2024, to June 9, 2025. Jupiter impacts Harris’s chart and pushes her to success as it orbits her ascendant and North Node of Destiny, which bodes well for a November victory. Usually, this astrological aspect denotes a time when one is leaning into one’s fate and can attain one’s dreams. Add in the connection Jupiter is making to the ascendant, and she becomes a powerhouse of good fortune and energy.

Beyond that, transiting Uranus in Taurus is squaring her natal Saturn in Aquarius. When revolutionary planet Uranus and authoritative Saturn share a fraught cosmic relationship, one fights for the global future. Weirdly enough, these two planets were in this tense aspect in 2021 and 2022, as Harris was nearing her second Saturn Return (a significant astrological moment that occurs every 27-29 years in our birth charts, when the planet Saturn returns to the sign and degree it was at the time of our birth) in the beginning of 2023, indicating that potentially being POTUS was part of her storyline the whole time she was VP. Now, Uranus is elevating her goals and taking them to the next level as it transforms Saturn to rethink and reimagine the future and duties of being President. The announcement of her possible nomination was made just as Mars began to aspect Harris’s ascendant and North Node, bringing potential and determination to her birth chart. Mars is the planet of action, so game on!

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Success seems to be in the cards for Harris, but it’s not just her planetary lineup that seems to indicate a win for her. Many astrologers, including myself, have been taking notice of the United State’s Pluto return (when the planet returned to the sign and degree it was at during the signing of The Declaration of Independence of 1776). Astrologically speaking, the planet Pluto represents growth, upheaval, and evolution. Whether or not we’re ready for it, Pluto pushes us out of our comfort zone and to where we’re meant to be. In 2022, the United States started going through its Pluto return, which shook the political scene. Interestingly, Kamala’s sun in Libra and moon in Aries are at 27 degrees — the same as the United States’s Pluto, which creates a planetary square and means we’ll experience renewal and healing as a country.

Right now, Pluto is moonwalking in Aquarius and respecting the degrees of The Great Conjunction of December 2020, when Harris was elected VP (this occurs every 20 years when Jupiter and Saturn unite in the cosmos). That time kicked off a new epoch and The Age of Aquarius. Taking this further, the degrees of these planets align with the Part of Fortune in the progressed birth chart (our chart evolves with us). Part of Fortune is a point in the birth chart that denotes wins, triumphs, and honors.

How to Read Your Birth Chart

Consider it your astrological roadmap to life.

Saturn (planet of responsibility) and Neptune (“the divine discontent” and dreamer), both of which are in Pisces, are currently swimming through Harris’s 10th house of career and will be there during the election by transit. Saturn in the 10th house could cement the Presidency because this planet represents duty and hard work. The lunar eclipse on September 17 in Pisces making waves in her 10th house marks a pivotal moment in the campaign. It’ll be evident whether or not she’ll beat the competition at that juncture. However, it does look great for her. By the time of the election, her yearly profection (a technique that astrologers use to look at themes and areas of life that are important for the upcoming year) will be on her natal ascendant, which brings the spotlight on her.

Now, let’s look at the other side. Former President and Republican nominee Donald Trump does have the advantage of Jupiter connecting with his sun, the 10th house of public affairs, and the North Node of Destiny — but the lunar eclipse on September 17 could stand in his way. Unforeseen events and circumstances might hurt his campaign. Also, Uranus is unpredictable in orbiting his 10th house during the election, making the results shocking to him.

We’ll have to wait and see who Harris picks as her running mate as their birth chart will have a massive impact on the election outcome. The astrology of November 5 will bring the unexpected to light and power. Uranus and Neptune will both be retrograde; however, their presence together indicates reform and development — which could allude to the country electing the first female President.

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue

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