Today, January 6, 2025, the US Congress will certify the victory of Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election, the final procedural step before the fascist ex-president returns to the White House on Inauguration Day, January 20.

With the White House in the background, President Donald Trump calls on his supporters to march on the Capitol in Washington, January 6, 2021. [AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin]

Democrats and Republicans in Congress will near-unanimously certify Trump’s victory, at a formal ceremony presided over by Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump’s defeated opponent in the election, on the fourth anniversary of the failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021. 

On that day, forever etched into American history, a president defeated at the polls incited a violent rebellion to stay in office in defiance of the votes of the American people. This was not a spontaneous protest but a coordinated effort to kidnap and kill Trump’s political opponents, disrupt the certification of electoral votes and impose Trump as an unelected dictator. 

The coup failed, not because of any resistance from Biden and the Democrats but because of the inexperience and incompetence of his would-be storm troopers in militias like the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers.

When his Nazi party staged an abortive coup in Munich, the “beer hall putsch” in 1923, it took Adolf Hitler 10 years to recover from the failure and rise to power. In January 1933, he was the chancellor chosen by the capitalist class to destroy the organizations of the powerful German working class and establish the fascist dictatorship that went on to launch World War II and perpetrate the Holocaust and other genocidal crimes.

Trump has required only four years to move from political humiliation and disgrace to returning to power as the unchallenged leader of a Republican Party that controls both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court and now the executive branch. 

This debacle for American democracy is not due to superiority on the part of Trump in cunning, ruthlessness or political foresight. The American fascist leader owes his rapid recovery entirely to the spinelessness of his nominal opposition—the capitalist Democratic Party, and its servants in the trade unions, as well as the pseudo-left groups like the Democratic Socialists of America, which masquerade as socialist while providing a “left” fig leaf for the Democrats.

The Democratic Party has paved the way for Trump’s reentry into the White House. During its four years in office, the Biden administration protected Trump from any serious effort to hold him accountable for the failed coup. Instead, he has been given the opportunity to assemble the personnel and political base to carry out a far more consistent and brutal onslaught on the democratic rights and social gains of the working class.

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