An Edible Arrangement prepared in February 2024 pictured next to a cannabis plant.

The company behind Edible Arrangements is branching out to produce and sell different types of products: actual edibles.

As of Thursday, the newly launched online marketplace is now selling THC-infused products like drinks, chews and enhancers from various brands to customers in Texas.

Edible Brands has plans to rapidly expand into “legal markets” across the Southeast, including Florida and Georgia, the company said in a news release. Select products will be sold and shipped in parts of the U.S. where cannabis is legally permitted in the coming weeks.

“This is a defining moment for the hemp industry,” Jake Bullock, co-founder and CEO of queer-owned cannabis brand Cann, said in a statement. “A high-quality marketplace like has the power to reshape the future of THC products and drive the long-term industry growth we’ve all been working toward.” also announced its plan open a flagship store in Atlanta’s Inman Park neighborhood, a location set to serve as a prototype for a limited franchising program.

“Edible Brands’ extensive franchise network aims to democratize access to the THC industry, which has been historically restricted by regulatory barriers,” according to the news release.

Here’s what to know about, a new venture started by Edible Arrangements’ parent company, Edible Brands, Inc.

New study: Cannabis users under 50 are 6 times more likely to have a heart attack describes itself as “premiere destination” for health and wellness products.

The business offers an “exclusive selection of high-quality, infused products designed to enhance a balanced lifestyle,” the website reads. “We’ve curated a collection of the nation’s finest hemp-derived THC drinks and edibles to meet your every need.”

A “robust education center, reliable delivery, and partnerships with leading product innovators like Cann, Wana, and 1906” separate from the pack in an industry they say faces “consumer challenges” as a result of market saturation, inconsistent quality and testing standards.

“We positioned it as a way to be able to create that connection for people who may be looking for permission to try these things, who have been hearing about them,” Thomas Winstanley, executive vice president of, told CNBC on. “But it’s different when you walk in and see these products at a gas station, instead of seeing a collection of the nation’s leading products.”

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