Oil giant BP reportedly ordered employees to disclose any office romances or risk losing their jobs — months after its chief executive was canned over his scandalous affairs.

The updated conflicts of interest policy, which was communicated to staff via email last week and seen by Reuters, highlights how ex-CEO Bernard Looney’s sudden departure last September continues to reverberate through the company.

The new policy “prohibits employees from directly or indirectly managing relatives or those with whom they’re in an intimate relationship,” according to the memo.

BP is also requiring thousands of upper management personnel to disclose any intimate relationships with employees or agency workers that took place within the last three years.

The managers were given a three-month grace period running to Sept. 1 to make such declarations.

Before the latest changes, BP’s code of conduct did not outright ban relationships between staffers, though it advised employees to “proactively manage conflicts of interest,” which can include “having an intimate relationship with someone whose pay, advancement or management you can influence.”

The Post has sought comment from BP.

BP confirmed the policy update regarding conflicts of interest arising from familial and intimate relationships at work, according to Reuters.

“Employees were previously required to disclose and record such relationships if they felt there could be a conflict of interest,” the company said in an emailed statement to the wire service.

“Now they are required to disclose intimate relationships at work, whether or not they feel they represent a conflict of interest.”

Looney was fired last December after it was determined by the company that he misled its board of directors over personal relationships that he maintained with colleagues.

The company also clawed back $40 million in pay.

BP concluded its investigation into Looney’s conduct with the help of law firm Freshfields earlier this year and has not disclosed its findings or conclusions, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

“The board has looked at the details and is making sure that themes and lessons are taken into consideration and adopted appropriately,” BP said in the emailed statement.

Looney’s departure came after the board investigated similar allegations against him in May 2022, following which Looney gave the board assurances over his past and future conduct.

The Post has sought comment from Looney.

BP’s shares have dropped by over 11% since Looney’s departure, underperforming rivals amid ongoing investor concerns over the company’s energy transition strategy.

Its new CEO Murray Auchincloss, who took office in January, has sought to steady the ship by promising to boost returns.

Days after Auchincloss took over as interim CEO, the company revealed that he was in a romantic relationship with a co-worker.

Auchincloss’ partner is also a BP employee, a relationship he disclosed prior to becoming chief financial officer in 2020.

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