Early Minnesota voting for 2024 presidential election all set to go

Early Minnesota voting for 2024 presidential election all set to go


ST. PAUL, Minn. — While we are just about a month and a half away from the presidential election, Minnesotans can start casting ballots as soon as Friday.

With Election Day fast approaching, election officials say now is the time to make plans to vote.

You can vote in person on Election Day at your designated polling place, and you can vote early, either in person or by mail.
If you decide to mail in your ballot, it has a tracking code to ensure ballots reach their destination.    

An important note: mail ballots need to be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day to be counted.

This year in particular, Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon is really stressing that absentee ballots should be mailed sooner rather than later, due to nationwide delays with the postal service.

Simon suggests mailing absentee ballots at least a week before Election Day. Despite the mail delays, he’s somewhat optimistic things will go smoothly.

“If we could handle, and the USPS could handle 2020, with that massive volume of mail and voting by mail, then surely they can handle the challenges this year,” said Simon.

Election officials say the integrity of the election will be preserved, thanks to the following, long-standing security measures:

  • All ballots are on paper and have to be preserved for two years.
  • All local elections offices conduct public accuracy tests to ensure election equipment is working.
  • On election night, every precinct must ensure the same number of ballots were cast as registered voters.
  • After the election, all precincts conduct an audit, to ensure elections worked with perfect accuracy.

“All these steps make sure that our elections are free, fair, secure and accurate,” said Simon. 

For info on everything you need to vote, you can head here. 

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