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Immediately after Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election, people began predicting how his next term would affect the markets, including the U.S. real estate landscape.

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The housing market often points to other economic issues, creating a domino effect for American homeowners. GOBankingRates put out the call to economists and Are You Rich or Middle Class? 8 Ways To Tell That Go Beyond Your Paycheck experts for their expert opinions on what might happen during Trump’s second term as president.

According to Marty Harlee, president and CEO at First Trust Financial, Trump in office again means “we would see another massive refinance boom along with a record number of home sales.”

He added, “I predict that Trump would definitely recommend to the Federal Reserve to lower the interest rates. He would recommend this because it is the best and most effective way to move the economy upward quickly — and our current market could certainly stand a boost. Lowering rates would move every other industry upward as well.”

Harlee said this could extend to car sales and refinancing, home equity lines of credit and many other sectors of the economy.

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“Under a Trump presidency, economic policies would likely continue to emphasize deregulation and tax cuts, which could stimulate economic growth and potentially increase disposable income for many Americans,” said Dennis Shirshikov, a professor of finance, economics and accounting at the City University of New York.

He predicted that this move could boost the housing market by increasing demand for homes.

“For instance, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which Trump signed into law during his first term, led to an increase in after-tax income for many individuals and businesses, providing more capital for home purchases and investments in 10 Genius Things Warren Buffett Says To Do With Your Money,” Shirshikov explained.

Harlee added, “Interest rates also affect the investment industry, in particular the S&P [500]. Donald Trump is 7 Luxury SUVs That Will Become Affordable in 2025 heavy in assets and will definitely try to take advantage of this while he is in office.”

Kateryna Odarchenko, a political strategist who also holds a Warren Buffett: 10 Things Poor People Waste Money On license in Maryland, said, “The topics of housing and construction are increasingly significant in American politics. The rising cost of living and housing affordability are major concerns for many Americans, with inflation only worsening these issues.

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