Fox News anchor Bret Baier recounted the awkward moment that cut his interview with Kamala Harris short Wednesday night, with the vice president’s staff giving him a “hard wrap” despite her late arrival.

“Madam Vice President, they’re wrapping me very hard here,” Baier interjected a little more than 20 minutes into the tough questioning, adding that there still were “a lot of things that people want to learn about you and your policies.”

That included stances she has distanced from since her first presidential run in 2019.

Harris, 59, continued to talk over Baier and urged supporters to head to her campaign website before the two parted abruptly.

“Madam Vice President, they’re giving me a hard wrap here,” Baier repeated.

“And I — well, I thank you for the time,” she said sheepishly.

“I thank you for the time,” he replied.

“It’s good to meet you,” she added.

Baier later said at least four Harris campaign aides were signaling him to end the interview — halting the tough questioning minutes before the half-hour mark.

Harris showed up 17 minutes late, Baier told Fox panel members after the session aired, but that didn’t stop her staff from ending the show after 26 minutes of grilling.

“I’m talking like four people waving their hands like ‘It’s got to stop,’” the anchor revealed. “I had to dismount there at the end.”

“There are so many things and maybe she should do more of these,” he added, referring to Harris’ avoidance of pointed queries about her own record.

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