For more than 60 years, humanity has been pushing the limits of ingenuity, engineering and imagination by launching people into space — and keeping them safe in the “final frontier” for prolonged periods.

During this time, we have hit major milestones, such as landing on the moon, and seen incredible individuals set some mind-blowing records. And in recent years, the advent of private space companies, like SpaceX and Blue Origin, have opened up space to a whole new group of explorers and set us on a course to venture deeper out into the solar system.

But how well do you know our spaceflight history?

This quiz of 15 questions will test your knowledge of our first steps towards the stars and the incredible astronauts who helped take them. And remember to log in to put your name on the leaderboard and click the yellow button if you need a hint!

Moon landing quiz: How quickly can you name all 12 Apollo astronauts that walked on the moon?

Constellations quiz: Can you name all the animals, objects and mythological figures hiding in the night sky?

Black hole quiz: How supermassive is your knowledge of the universe?

Mars quiz: Is your knowledge of the Red Planet out of this world?

Solar system quiz: How well do you know our cosmic neighborhood?

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