Hunter Biden’s so-called “sugar brother” Kevin Morris has told associates that he can’t afford to cover the mounting legal bills incurred by the first son, who’s set to face two trials starting next month.

“The reason Kevin got involved financially in the first place was that he could see that no one was going to help Hunter,” a person close to the Hollywood entertainment lawyer told Politico.

“Now, four and a half years later, there’s still no help — and now Kevin is completely tapped out,” the person added. “So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It’s pretty dire.”

Morris, who earned a fortune representing the creators of the television series “South Park,” has loaned the president’s 54-year-old son more than $6.5 million since meeting him at a political fundraiser in late 2019.

The 60-year-old lawyer was interviewed by the House Ways and Means, Oversight and Judiciary Committees on Jan. 18 as part of the impeachment inquiry into the president and acknowledged paying “various attorneys” on behalf of Hunter Biden. 

Morris, citing attorney-client privileges, refused to tell lawmakers exactly how much he’s spent fronting the first son’s legal fees. 

Biden is facing three felony charges in a federal gun case out of Delaware, where he is slated to stand trial on June 3.

The embattled first son also has a June 20 trial date set in California, where he faces nine counts related to tax fraud.   

Morris’ financial constraints pose “a huge problem” for Hunter’s defense, the source told Politico, citing concerns about how expert witnesses will be paid. 

On Tuesday, Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell told the judge presiding over the Delaware gun case that the trial start should be pushed back because he and his team were struggling to lock down expert witnesses to testify on a variety of issues in the case, according to Politico.

Lowell explained that three experts have “tentatively agreed” to participate but the details were still being worked out.

He also claimed that defense “resources” have been strained by having to prepare for back-to-back trials on two different coasts.

The judge refused to move the Delaware trial start date. 

Hunter has pleaded not guilty to all charges in both cases. 

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