His breath smelled … funny.

A UK comedian was left without a punchline after one of his fans messaged him online to inform him that he had bad breath, per a viral Instagram post.

Manchester native Jamie Hutchinson had just finished a standup show in Liverpool, when he received the feedback from the audience member — who fittingly happened to be a dental hygienist, Jam Press reported.

The comic included a screenshot of the message.

“Hiya mate, been debating whether to drop you this DM for a while because I love your stuff and don’t want you thinking am a d–khead,” the complainer began.

“No easy way to say this mate but I was at a show the other week on the front row,” the fan added. “Well I’m a dental hygienist and I know halitosis [bad breath] when I smell it mate, could be nothing but I recommend getting a check-up at the dentist mate for gum disease.”

They concluded: “I don’t want to be a p–ck but I had to say something don’t want you losing your teeth or it ruining your set lad. Love your work, going to a Green Room live show soon can give you some floss.”

Fortunately, Hutchinson saw the funny side of the dental breakdown.

“Messages like this make it all worthwhile,” the funny man captioned the photo.

Other Instagram viewers were also amused by the helpful heckle with one writing, “This is the best thing I’ve ever seen.”

“More like bloody GINGERvitis, ROFL,” joked one wit in reference to Hutchinson’s red hair.

Another commenter wrote, “This is like a trip advisor review of a decent hotel with shit air conditioning.”

“I’m gonna be honest, I actually respect his effort to try to gently relay health-related concerns to you,” said one more. “He’s actually a gem. Also, brush your teeth more — evidently.”

While having periodic bad breath is generally harmless — albeit offputting — chronic halitosis can indicate underlying issues such as allergies or a throat infection.

Other possible causes include acid reflux and tonsil stones, the petrified deposits of food, dead cells and bacteria that amass on the tonsils.

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