(Des Moines, IA) — The Iowa Legislature will be back under the golden dome in just under a month. This week, House of Representatives caucuses from both parties met to outline priorities in policy and round out their leadership teams. The results are as follows.

Republicans (Majority)

Speaker of the House: Pat Grassley (Butler County)

Assistant Majority Leader: Jon Dunwell (Jasper County)

Assistant Majority Leader: Heather Hora (Washington County)

Assistant Majority Leader: Brent Siegrist (Pottawattamie)

Democrats (Minority)

House Minority Leader: Jennifer Konfrst (Polk County)

Democratic Whip: Brian Meyer (Polk County)

Assistant Democratic Leader: Sean Bogniewski (Polk County)

Assistant Democratic Leader: Heather Matson (Polk County)

Assistant Democratic Leader: Elizabeth Wilson (Linn County)

The session begins January 13th.

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