Jason Trennert isn’t exactly a household name outside the world of finance. But the long-time economic and market forecaster might soon be.

Trennert, sources tell The Post, could be up for a major job in a possible Trump administration, possibly as head of the National Economic Council.

In that role, Trennert would be the nation’s top economist. The American people would be lucky to have him not just because he’s a local kid who has done really well, but also because he understands how bad economic decisions can have devastating effects not just for bond traders but for small-business owners.

A Long Island native who graduated from George­town and the prestigious Wharton business school at Penn, Trennert has both Wall Street and Main Street smarts. 

He’s worked in finance for decades and is an entrepreneur, starting his own economics consulting firm in 2006, Strategas.

His most prescient call has been the non-transitory nature of the Biden-Harris inflation spiral stoked by spending and money printing, pointing out how inflation is a devastating tax on working-class Americans who can’t hedge price increases by speculating in stocks. 

He was also early to see the economic gains that followed Trump’s 2016 presidential victory because of the lower taxes and deregulation that followed.

Trump’s recent polling success comes in large measure from voters’ belief that he will handle the Main Street economy better than Harris. They recall the low inflation of economic growth of the Trump years that made living so much easier.

Trennert is also a free trader at heart and could be a leveling force in tamping down Trump’s protectionist views.

Yes, the American people can do a hell of a lot worse.

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