Editor’s note: The author of this guest column is running for public office. Publication in this space is not an endorsement from The Oklahoman.

The year is 2024, a presidential election year we could have predicted, yet no one wanted to admit we would be here again. We hoped the strength of American leadership would emerge, yet despite predictions, we face a crossroads of uncertainty regarding the path forward for what is the most powerful office in the free world: the Presidency of the United States of America.

When considering the expectations of the presidency, we envision someone capable of working in a fast-paced environment, maintaining a rational mindset, and seeking counsel when making decisions for the nation at a moment’s notice. Decisions impacting over 330 million people, with global implications for our economic and national security. This is separate from the required experience, qualifications, and understanding of the challenges facing Americans today. We need a leader who has the ability to unite and drive the country forward over the next four years.

We’ve never been in a place where the majority of Americans feel more insecure about the future of the country than in this moment. The unrest felt in every home is being fueled by divisive politics that has split this great country, flaming the rot in American politics that lacks an ounce of ethics or values. As a proud patriot and an Oklahoman, I expect better at the national level.

We are in a moment of significant turbulence, and the next four years could be even more chaotic. The unrest extends beyond our borders, with global flashpoints that could collide and potentially lead us into World War III. This instability is further compounded by both the rapid pace of innovation, causing disruptions ― and the fact we are witnessing increased interference and rampant disinformation from Russia and China in our business, political, and media sectors. United we stand, divided we fall.

We, the American people, want to see the next generation of leadership not suffocated by party power but empowered to breathe life back into the vision of greatness and hope in the American Dream. In this critical moment, under immense pressure, we will not be silenced by party influence or retreat in fear of losing political power. The United States of America has the best technology and economic strength in the world, and we will continue to excel when we leave extremes behind and prioritize American resilience.

With this call, let me state it clearly — the 2024 presidential ballot does not reflect a leader capable of meeting the demands of this critical moment. It’s time to say the hard truth: it’s time for the next generation of leadership to take up the torch. New leadership is ready and capable of moving us forward. Now is the time to unleash American leadership.

Madison Horn is a seventh-generation Oklahoman who has over 15 years of experience in cybersecurity and former executive at Siemens Energy.

Madison Horn is a seventh-generation Oklahoman who has over 15 years of experience in cybersecurity and former executive at Siemens Energy.

Madison Horn is a seventh-generation Oklahoman from Stilwell. A cyber lawyer, she is a Democrat running for Congress in Oklahoma’s 5th District.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: OK congressional candidate says presidential ballot lacks apt leader

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