Stonington introduced a new event last week, Puffin Passages, which featured talks, tours and an Atlantic puffin-themed cocktail party. The idea was to experiment with a small multi-day event which, if it succeeded, could become a full-fledged Stonington Puffin Festival next year.

The event succeeded, mostly.

Naturally, the highlight was three puffin cruises to Seal Island, a 65-acre island 21 miles off the coast of Rockland, on board the Isle au Haut ferry. The ferry routinely makes Sunday puffin trips beginning in late May. As the popularity of these trips has grown, a Wednesday trip has been added to the schedule for July and August. But last weekend featured three trips in a row.

Friday’s trip was splendid. Saturday’s trip was excellent, despite a brief rain shower or two. Sunday’s trip got rained out. That’s how it goes sometimes.

My wife Sandi and I volunteered to be spotters for the Friday trip, and it could not have gone better. Weather improved throughout the day, and by the time we reached the puffin colony, the wind had died completely. The seas were flat and calm.

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