It has been mentioned in this forum that Republican Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election, and liberals should get over it. This is laughable. Trump lost the 2020 election, and he never conceded. He said it was stolen and refused to acknowledge that Joe Biden was the rightful winner. Have the GOP and MAGA faithful ever gotten over it?

In the more recent election, Kamala Harris conceded that Trump was the winner and congratulated him on election night. No mention of it being rigged against her, that there was massive fraud or drumming up a fake set of electors to try to steal the election. There was no firing up the base to storm the Capitol when the Electoral College ballots were tallied. There was no attempt to overthrow the government.

Instead, tradition prevailed. There was a peaceful transfer of power. There was civility, something that was totally absent four years ago. In other words, things progressed as they were intended by our Founding Fathers. It was a complete about-face from what transpired in the election of 2020.

Gary Grim


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