The 2024 presidential election is about much more than affirming democracy. This election provides the opportunity to renew our country’s commitment to decency and the rule of law.

If, heaven help us, Donald Trump were to win this election, I believe that he will have done so by interfering, with impunity, with the election process.

In my view, that interference involves manipulating legitimate outcomes; intimidating conscientious public servants and institutions; coaching and encouraging some of America’s most malevolent foes to develop and implement a disinformation campaign disparaging his opposition, while complimenting Trump and his demented “beliefs”; initiating and facilitating myriad efforts to suppress voting and voters — particularly voters who have been marginalized and discriminated against historically; and by prematurely asserting that he has won the election before all of the votes have been carefully counted and recorded.

If Trump is “elected” via the above interference, I fear that absolute chaos will ensue within the United States and will reverberate throughout the world. Some of America’s most trusted allies will despair, fearing that the commitments they made at the urging of past administrations will be rescinded or ignored by Trump. The lack of trust in America will result in a less-safe and less-free world. Further, our nation’s enemies will be emboldened.

Trump would use the chaos to feather his own nest and will absolve himself, his family and his supporters of any wrongdoing.

And, as he disrupts, threatens, undermines and compromises our well-being, Trump will laugh at our stupidity.

William Cowden


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