In response to “Side-by-side comparison shows Harris best candidate” (Reading Eagle, Sept. 12), which candidate Kamala Harris is it?

Is it the 2019–2020 presidential candidate Harris who is on record as:

• Advocating for defunding the police.

• Calling for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be reassessed “from scratch.”

• Tweeting on June 1, 2020, to request donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to post bail for the George Floyd rioters in Minneapolis.

• In favor of eliminating private health insurance.

• Stating that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal”.

She was the first to drop out of the 2020 race, even before the Iowa caucuses, having zero primary votes or delegates. As Joe Biden’s vice president, she cast the tie-breaking Senate vote to pass the oxymoron-named Inflation Reduction Act.

Or is it the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee Harris, once again with zero votes or earned delegates, now in favor of:

• Astonishingly, a secure border. Where was she the last 3.75 years as border czar? She is the incumbent officeholder, not Donald Trump.

• Price controls on food, caused by inflationary Biden-Harris economic policy. This action is right out of the former USSR playbook.

• Taxing unrealized capital gains. Yes, it would only apply to those with a net worth of at least $100 million, but wouldn’t that tank the stock market and economy for all?

Harris says her values haven’t changed and I believe her. Once a Marxist, always a Marxist.

Keith Worley

Cumru Township

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